
THE CLERK (Feature Film) – Clear Cut Extensive Version

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THE CLERK (Feature Film) – Clear Cut Extensive Version

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Now Available as Video on Demand: Director’s confirmed Clear Cut Extensive Version of “THE CLERK” – meeting the demands and expectations of that category of theme-passionate spectators who want to be taken deeper into the intimacy of the military conscription procedure, beyond the standard limits of the previously launched original version of this daring and path-opening feature film which enriches the production company’s series of films questioning the act of compulsory military drafting in its very essence.

With a much broader editing concept which leads to a full filmic narrative entirely in clear, this second version of “THE CLERK” does not leave anything to the spectators’ logical thinking or imagination, but it depicts all conscription realities in their full rawness – increasing the feeling of total human exposure to an unwanted official intimacy, and bringing that feeling close to the point of being unbearable and impossible to take (through all its visually enhanced emotional details, as well as psychological, physical and physiological dimensions).

This extensive, clear-cut version of the film gets deeper into all graphic dimensions of the advanced conscription-related intimacy – with visual emphasis on all discomfort, embarrassment, and, ultimately, humiliation contributing to different levels of human suffering from the perspective of all male and female conscripts who, by law, must submit themselves with mind and body to the required medical procedure that simply turns them into objects at the total disposal of an authoritarian military clerk.

The content of this feature film is strictly suitable for a fully mature audience only, as the extensive medical-related male and female nudity already existent in the film’s original festival version is substantially increased and enhanced in all its detailed relevance in this second version of the film – which absolutely remains a great ‘must see’ for all spectators who are highly interested in the compulsory military conscription theme, but which is not recommended to persons who are sensitive to excessively expressive nudity within a military-medical context.


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14.5 GB
120 minutes
1440 x 1080 px
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