Exquisitely Innovative Swedish Drama-Comedy about Top Erotic Film Entertainment!
An amateur film team – composed of three very determined young females with an obvious passion for tattoos and quite high artistic pretentions – is casting and shooting an erotic film which is meant to fight censorship in a “discreet and intelligent” manner, by depicting a form of faked erotic fetish spanking which is fully “justified” by the film plot (and therefore should not be censored, the amateur film director argues).
Offering a slightly philosophical view on the ephemeral character of human life and sex from an accessible and entertaining perspective, “Tattoo Erotica” is both a satire of dilettantism and a recognition of every creator’s right to be – regardless of creation’s value and level. Substantially human film parody at its best!
A Surprisingly Intimate Cinematographic Voyage in the Nude World of Tattoos!
Thirty Delightful Minutes of Erotic Fantasy and Life Reality!
Only Suitable for a Mature Audience!
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